Yes, I know that abolitionists don't consider themselves to be part of the "pro-life" movement.
I am personally more in line with abolitionism but realize that the term brings negative thoughts to mind for a lot of people and doesn't accomplish my goal of bringing people to this website and learning about abolitionism and hearing the Gospel.
An example would be me calling myself a "biker" even though I will probably never ride a Harley or hang out at a rally, but I ride my motorcycle all over the country . . . it's one of the things I am known for. A larger audience can be reached with the proper term or label.
I am still very early on my path to abolitionism but this is how I see it. People with more experience who can correct my errors, please contact me and help me out.
It seems to me that abolitionism is different from pro-life mainly in that they simply want to use existing laws to prosecute abortion as murder. They do not want there to be a double-standard of not prosecuting women just because they are "victims". If a woman drives to the facility to get the abortion or orders the pill in the mail, that is premeditation.
From the Abolitionists rising website, "If a woman can perform her own abortion without being prosecuted, then abortion is legal. By insisting on blanket maternal immunity, the pro-life leaders protect a woman's right to abortion."